Friday, 2 August 2013

Travelling Around the Region

A frequent traveler through the region for the past few years I  had the opportunity to visit many of the Caribbean islands give or take a few. The experiences have all been unique from the beauty of the different islands to the opportunities gained from the reasons for my visits to these islands. I believe that it is safe to say that I  used the two main airline companies that are frequently used by most persons traveling throughout the region to get from one country to the next. By sea  and by air .

I am going to take the opportunity to introduce my experience of travelling in the region. coming from a country that boasts five airports and over 30 islands travelling by boat is mainly used to travel between islands  but when travelling to our sister islands plane is really the way to go.

I have travelled uing boat as well to some of these islands and I must say seeing people sleeping sleeping on deck was interesting indeed but a hell of fun. But at least the boat left on time, my luggage was not only on boat but arrived with me and the people took the time to be friendly.

I want to pay a little attention to  I find myself exposed to the most. acronym Leeward Island Air Transport have through the years come to mean alot to the people of the region for example "leave island any time". My experiences began as a little girl that got the opportunity to see LIAT when you got a back of crackers and an Orchard juice now you lucky to even here them announce if they even have something for you to buy but I do see water in disposable glasses sometimes.

I remember getting a smile from the checking desk to when you take your seat on the plane now you luckly if they even look at you at the checking desk and on the plane you get "open seating expect for the last two rows or the first two" when you hear this you better start praying your luggage on board.

Pertaining to boy  what a time I have been having with  luggage and I checked in together but somehow I always get there before it or it never reach me at all. The department stores are quick familiar with me now since I always got to go cheap clothes hunting or no space in the carry on for that extra piece of breadfruit since i got to put a suit in there just encase LIAT forget the luggage. The last time I got to where I going on time using LIAT is like a distance memory flight that starts at 10pm somehow turns into 1pm flights and etc. Ridiculous!  

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